A warm hello from Oribel

Hello Friends,

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you are looking for inspiration and empowerment you’ve come to the right place.

Apart from articles I've written based on my own personal experiences I have included suggested affirmations, intentions, prayers, visualizations, meditations, ideologies and a whole lot more. I have personally benefited from them - I gained more self-confidence, learned about self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect, overcoming fears created by years of conditionings, tackled self-doubt, self-worth and self-esteem issues. And I’m learning to trust myself more and more each day.

I invite you to open heart and empty your mind and pick any subject that you are drawn to. Take only the information that resonates with you and leave the rest behind as they are here for others. You see, each of us have different lessons to learn in this life. Much of which is to overcome different types of fears - fear of being lonely, fear of rejection, fear of failure, well you're getting the picture. And, hence, we need different tools in our lives as we seek to discover ourselves and to turn our challenges into life lessons. With self-knowledge comes true power.

And always know that you have much to give the world by just being you....the authentic you that is. And also remember that when you reach a higher truth be prepared to let go of older ones that no longer serve you. That's how we evolve and expand.

Happy journeys,

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Procrastination, or is it?

I decided to begin my spiritual work as a healer. And I was drawn to Reiki. This was back in May 2008. At that time I was looking around for a good teacher and I was highly recommended to a Master Parag. I’ve visited his website and liked what I saw and I liked what one of his previous students had to say about Master Parag and his passion for Reiki.

But the thing was, each month Master Parag sent a mass mail advising his subscribers of the next Reiki course, I kept putting off signing up for his workshop. This happened for six consecutive months. I thought to myself, why do I keep procrastinating? I needed to signed up for a class sooner rather than later otherwise I will just keep delaying my spiritual work, which is my calling.

Then in early October 2008, I received the quarterly newsletter from Basic Essence. I flipped through the pages and ‘lo and behold, they are conducting Angelic Reiki workshops in November. YES, this is it! This is what I’ve been waiting for. You see, I’m passionate about angels and I talk to my angels all the time. And I have found that Angelic Reiki is the missing piece of the jigsaw to my life connecting my intended work with people who have trouble awakening to their true essence that is their own divinity.

I realized that I wasn’t procrastinating. I was merely being guided by Spirit to wait for the appropriate healing modality that's for my highest good and that is Angelic Reiki. Before then, I didn’t know there was such a modality. So you see, I had mistaken divine timing for procrastination. Things are never what they appear to be.

Ever since that episode I looked at delays as two possibilities: (1) it’s not meant to be; (2) something better is on its way. And then I remembered that sometime back I made an intention that I’m always guided, guarded and protected by my angels. And I trust that I was guided to wait for the Angelic Reiki workshop. And I am so glad I did.

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