A warm hello from Oribel

Hello Friends,

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you are looking for inspiration and empowerment you’ve come to the right place.

Apart from articles I've written based on my own personal experiences I have included suggested affirmations, intentions, prayers, visualizations, meditations, ideologies and a whole lot more. I have personally benefited from them - I gained more self-confidence, learned about self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect, overcoming fears created by years of conditionings, tackled self-doubt, self-worth and self-esteem issues. And I’m learning to trust myself more and more each day.

I invite you to open heart and empty your mind and pick any subject that you are drawn to. Take only the information that resonates with you and leave the rest behind as they are here for others. You see, each of us have different lessons to learn in this life. Much of which is to overcome different types of fears - fear of being lonely, fear of rejection, fear of failure, well you're getting the picture. And, hence, we need different tools in our lives as we seek to discover ourselves and to turn our challenges into life lessons. With self-knowledge comes true power.

And always know that you have much to give the world by just being you....the authentic you that is. And also remember that when you reach a higher truth be prepared to let go of older ones that no longer serve you. That's how we evolve and expand.

Happy journeys,

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Interview with God

This is a short movie clip created around a poem, author unknown. And I guarantee that you will love it. Just click on the play button.

This video was taken from GodTube website. The original video is from The Interview with God website, but unfortunately the embed code does not seem to work well on my blog.

Please view the video before you continue reading this article.

Every once in a while great poems like the one above will stop you in your tracks and make you ponder on the simple truths in life. But it is us who make our lives difficult and sometimes creating dramas for ourselves and others.

When I first viewed the movie presentation version I was stricken by its honesty and simplicity. When I viewed it a second time, I began to look at every aspect of my life. Yes, I had only learned most of these life’s lessons at the latter part of my life…a couple of years shy of 50.

I was unhappy working as a project manager in the last couple of years. I no longer found it fulfilling and felt that I was missing out on life itself whilst I worked long hours to meet the company’s bottom line in the hope of being promoted to Vice President. So I quit. And that was when I started to focus on the most important person in my life, Myself. And I discovered a most precious gem which I had forgotten to polish and care for because I was living what I thought was a perfect life.

With an abundance of time on my hands, I began exploring the activities that bring joy to my life - spending time with nature, cycling, having picnics, watching clouds, playing on a swing, feeding turtles and swans at a public park, watching sunsets at the beach and visited parks and nature reserves in far flung places. All of which I would not be doing if I hadn’t quit my corporate job.

I no longer have to worry about meeting project datelines, preparing minutes after client calls, updating reports after reports. Phew, what a relief to do away with worries and anxieties that really have no impact on my private and personal life…which is far more important than my working life. I had time on my hands for self-care. I gave myself permission to live moment to moment. And I am a far more happier person now.

And I’ve also come to realize that I don’t need to shop for clothes or stuff anymore. I only go shopping for essentials these days.

And I’m learning to express myself more these days without fearing how others might react. Creating a blog and posting articles and sharing my experiences with like-minded people have helped me to experience this. And I hope that what I am sharing would help inspire others to appreciate their own uniqueness and begin to open up to sharing their experiences with others as well
One thing I'm beginning to do is to give others the space to experience the reality they have created for themselves. This has helped me alot to stop judging others. You see, there is no 'right' or 'wrong', just experiences. As I allow others to be who they are, they allow me to be who I am. That is true compassion.

I’ve also come to realize that in the past I was 'guilty' of opening profound wounds in others with my careless words. And I’m learning to forgive myself and I know that it is never too late to make the necessary adjustments in my life to stay on track and to be living a more authentic life. Yes, it is indeed time to make a life review at the start of the year.

And when you too begin exploring this, please remember to be gentle with yourself, always and in all ways. Because we are human too. :o)

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