A warm hello from Oribel

Hello Friends,

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you are looking for inspiration and empowerment you’ve come to the right place.

Apart from articles I've written based on my own personal experiences I have included suggested affirmations, intentions, prayers, visualizations, meditations, ideologies and a whole lot more. I have personally benefited from them - I gained more self-confidence, learned about self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect, overcoming fears created by years of conditionings, tackled self-doubt, self-worth and self-esteem issues. And I’m learning to trust myself more and more each day.

I invite you to open heart and empty your mind and pick any subject that you are drawn to. Take only the information that resonates with you and leave the rest behind as they are here for others. You see, each of us have different lessons to learn in this life. Much of which is to overcome different types of fears - fear of being lonely, fear of rejection, fear of failure, well you're getting the picture. And, hence, we need different tools in our lives as we seek to discover ourselves and to turn our challenges into life lessons. With self-knowledge comes true power.

And always know that you have much to give the world by just being you....the authentic you that is. And also remember that when you reach a higher truth be prepared to let go of older ones that no longer serve you. That's how we evolve and expand.

Happy journeys,

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hello everyone. It's been a very long while since I last shred with you. I've been busy going through cycles of 'death' and 'rebirth'. Now that I look back I'm grateful for the challenges that I've experienced as it gave me the opportunity to seek within me for the wisdom, courage, discernment and love that I needed to overcome these challenges. And at the start of each day, I keep giving intent that I only experience that which is for my highest good and my highest good include all.

And from this experience a video was given birth as well :D And I'd like to share this with you here. Know that you hold the solutions to all the seeming problems that you are facing right now. Be happy that you are alive and savour every delicious moment.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Freedom and Love

These are 2 prayers that are SO beautiful. I especially love listening over and over again to Prayer for Love.


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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Do I Make A Difference?

Yes, you do. In more ways than you know. Why do I say this? Well, I invite you to view this video and you'll see what I mean.

The Universe thanks you for making a difference.

Hugs from our hearts,

Note: For a free download of The Code - The Ten Intentions, pls. go to:

Monday, June 22, 2009

Prayer for Love

Prayer for Love

Today, Lord, help me to accept myself the way I am, without judgement. Help me to accept my mind the way that it is, with all my emotions, my hopes and dreams, and my unique pesonality. Help me to accept my body the way that it is, with all it's beauty and perfection.

Today, Lord, clean my mind of emotional poison and self-judgement, so that I can live in peace and love. Let the love for myself be so strong that I never reject myself or sabotage my happiness and personal freedom. Let me love and accept myself without judgement, because when I judge myself, I find myself guilty, and then need to punish myself.

With the power of self-love, let all my relationships be based on love and respect. Help me to let go of the need to tell others how to think or how to be. Let me accept the people I love just the way they are, without judgement, because when I judge them and blame them, I find them guilty, and want to punish them. Help me Lord, to love everything you create with no conditions, because when I reject your creation, I reject you.

Today Lord, help me to start my life over with the power of self-love. Help me to explore life, to take risks, and to love myself unconditionally. Let me open my heart to the love that is my birthright so that I can share my love wherever I go.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Future Dream

My State of Being

A Whale's Odyssey

This is a multi-dimensional journey with two whales. Take the journey with them as you explore their world of colours and sounds. And also discover why whales are considered sacred and the part they play in our evolution on planet Earth.

Now that you understand why whales are beaching, please help explain to your friends and family about this so they don't unnecessary worry about such episodes again.

Thank you for doing this and thank you for watching.

Have a fabulouse journey!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Prayer for Awareness

This is a very beautiful prayer from an audiobook from Don Miguel Ruiz.
As you listen to it, you'll understand what I mean.

Know that you are very much loved. Blessed be.

Words to Prayer for Awareness by Don Miguel Ruize

Today, Creator of the Universe, we ask that you open our
heart and open our eyes so we can enjoy all of your
creations and live in eternal love with you. Help us to
see you in everything we perceive with our eyes, with our
ears, with our heart, with all our senses.

Let us perceive with eyes of love so that we find you
wherever we go and see you in everything you create.
Let us see you in every cell of our body, in every emotion
of our mind, in every dream, in every flower, in every
person we meet. You cannot hide from us because you
are everywhere, and we are one with you. Let us be
aware of this truth.

Let us be aware of our power to create a dream of heaven
where everything is possible. Help us to use our
imagination to guide the dream of our life, the magic
of our creation, so we can live without fear, without
anger, without jealousy, without envy. Give us a
light to follow, and let today be the day that our
search for love and happiness is over.
Today let something extraordinary happen that will
change our life forever: Let everything we do and
say be an expression of the beauty in our heart,
always based on love.

Help us to be the way you are, to love the way you love,
to share the way you share, to create a masterpiece of
beauty and love, the same way that all of your
creations are masterpieces of beauty and love. Beginning
today and gradually over time, help us to increase the
power of our love so that we may create a masterpiece
of art - our own life. Today, Creator, we give you all
of our gratitude and love because you have given us Life.


The Man Who Didn't Believe In Love

This is a parable, "The Man Who Didnt Believe in Love", taken from a book written by Don Miguel Ruiz. It is a story of a man and a woman who are well suited for each other, until one day, when the man decides to give his happiness to the woman. . . . .

I like the story because it describes the way I feel about relationships on so many levels. Perhaps you too can identify with this story. I believe we learn about ourselves the most from our closes relationships. Self-discovery is the hidden gift in relationships.

I invite you to listen to this parable and then reflect upon your relationships with your closest ones.

So please sit back, relax and enjoy!


Passion comes from surrendering totally into something.

Passion is the stuff that brings you to your knees and sends you over ice walls - over impossible obstacles. Nothing truly great is ever done on earth without passion.

Hold your fist in the air and cry out at the top of your lungs. Feel the raw animal passion of being a human on the rock called Earth. To be this awesome one-of-a-kind creature sent down to shake the world with your bold plans, your words, your actions, your connections - all your gifts. With passion and a little help, you can do anything.

Four Steps to Passion

Step 1. Chose something to be passionate about (an object of your passion). Passion comes from falling into something and letting it take you to new heights. First choose something you’d like to be passionate about.

Step 2. Imagine merging fully with the sky or the earth.
The goal here is to move outside the self in preparation for the surrender to your object of passion.

Step 3. Now connect to a source of inspiration. It might be God, a divine being, or your favorite artist.
What is needed for this step is some belief or faith. If you feel inspired by the angels, then just ‘believe’ you are connected to us and proceed to draw in that inspiration. Same advice applies for connecting with Van Gogh, Renoir, Mozart, or whoever inspires you. Believe you are connected and it will be so. Like riding an invisible surfboard. Just climb on.

Step 4. Fall into your object of passion and let the inspiration take you. This step is once again an act of faith. You WILL yourself there at first. Then just let the inspiration take you wherever it wants to go.

The process could be called passion surfing. When the wave of passion ends, you can repeat the steps to catch another. The process will also get easier with repeated attempts. At first, it may feel a little cumbersome because we’re asking you to go in several directions. Put simply, what you’re doing is choosing to be inspired, connecting to a source of inspiration, then being inspired. The added step of merging with the sky or earth is to help you get outside yourself so the inspiration can take you.

It also helps to pick your moments. Make sure you have no pressing deadlines, turn off any distractions such as the phone, and get comfortable. Then get started with passion and make it a tool that propels you towards your dreams.

Healing Mandala Meditation

This is a modern mandala specially designed to help you slow down, release tension and nurture your body's innate healing powers. Mandalas bring about inner peace and strength, personal growth and holistic healing by harnessing the power of color, geometry and symbolic motifs.

Listen to the soothing music as you meditate using the mandala with the step-by-step instructions provided. You will find your healing journey being enhanced within this beautiful mandala.

Please enjoy!


The Mind of a Master

This video was created around an intention that I first read in Kryon Book 11 called Lifting The Veil. And I believe that it was this intention that had helped me to begin my journey. . . .a journey towards awakening to my power within and my own divinity.

In the chapter called Becoming Masters Kryon gave us the perception of past Masters. And one of the attributes all past Masters had was their ability to be a master survivor. These are ascended masters Jesus of Nazareth, Buddha, Propher Mohammed etc.

Please sit back, relax and enjoy this video.


*If you find discomfort in reading the explanation notes in the video above, I provide the text extraction below so you could read in comfort.

I invite you to get rid of survival instinct. We come in with this built into our every cell, imprinted upon us. Indeed, it is, but it’s an old energy imprint. Survival instinct holds disempowering thoughts of lack and fear – I am alone; everything that I do, I must do myself; I will compete for the space on this planet; I need to chase the competition, otherwise I’ll be left behind; I’ll compete for relationships, for food, for love, for money; I’ve got to do it or I won’t survive. Sounds familiar?

Well, in this new energy, to be a master, look to the Masters of the past, any of them. The voice of a master is what you have just viewed. This is also yours.

You begin to realize that you can trust inter-dimensional forces that are mastery forces that you don’t understand, but know are always there. You begin to realize that in the mastery department, you’ve got deep pockets when it comes to love and survival. So drop the survival instinct that says you have to compete for everything. You don’t. There’s plenty. Let this be your intention.

Please remember you have free choice. When you are ready to be a Master Lighthouse, say this intention and get ready for a ride of your life!

And know you are very much loved.

Video production by Oribel

Intention text given by Kryon, channelled by Lee Carol in 2006.

Video on visual experience is an edited version of “Evolution” from Light and Sound Experience by Jonathan Quintin (Visuals)

Music “Locus Iste (Sanctus)” by Liberia

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Heal The World

I'd like to share with you a song that never fails to uplift me. Simple in its message, and big in its dream. I believe we each can make a difference in this world. The change starts with you and it starts from inside of you. Let us live this dream knowing that we can make a difference. Love you.

*you can sing along with the lyrics provided in the video

Monday, March 23, 2009


Joy is your natural state. Learn to feel the joy at your core.

Once you develop a habit of feeling the joy, all other pursuits in your life will be easier. Turn your life upside down. Find the happiness right now, inside you, then merrily pursue the rest at your leisure. This is the secret of a master.

Four Steps to Joy

Step 1. At the core of you is a flame - the flame of joy. When you imagine your joy as a flame, you are reaching into other dimensions to reconnect with this ever-present joy and consequently feel more of it in this realm.

Step 2. Close your eyes and imagine bypassing all other thoughts and feelings to get to this flame.
You might pause briefly at other feelings along the way to the central flame of joy.

Step 3. Imagine how the flame looks. Feel the joy that emanates from it.
Where in your body do you see the flame? Maybe your belly. Try experimenting with the flame. Imagine it growing large, engulfing you entirely. Imagine the flame changing colors. See the intricate workings of the base around the flame.

Step 4. Continue to focus on the joy emanating from the flame. As you do so, you will find your level of joy increases.
No matter how the world is faring, you can find the joy within. Then continue on your journey with your tank overflowing with joy. What power you have over your experience in life.

What if I can't feel this flame of joy? If you're unable to feel the joy then you're not yet connecting with your joy aspect in the upper realms. Your imagination is a path to this connection. Engage your imagination by gazing at the colorful image on the joy card. Let it inspire you.

Also look at your beliefs around happiness. Many people have deeply rooted beliefs that they can only be truly happy once their needs are met and their problems disappear. Often these needs don't even serve them to begin with.

The truth is joy is available to you at any time. People on their deathbed experience joy. People in the midst of great trauma can feel joy. Newborn babies are aglow with joy. Let go of the belief that anything in the world is between you and your joy.

“I claim my joy. I choose to reach across the dimensions and connect to my eternal flame of joy. By doing so, joy flows freely into me.”

Now turn down the lights, fire up your imagination, and feel that flame. And.... keep going. Get out of your head and down into your belly. Feel the other feelings then move beyond them to get to the joy.

If you're a tough nut to crack, you might be saying 'I feel something but it's fuzzy'. Well honor that fuzziness and repeat the process once a day minimum for the next week. Create a joy card with the above affirmation and place the joy card in your pocket and pull it out whenever you get the chance.

En-joy Dear One. You are deeply loved for the role you play and your entourage of guides rejoice in being beside you each day

Affirmations for Abundance

Today I found a treasure in Youtube. It is a video featuring great affirmations for ABUNDANCE. It was a joy to watch it as the images that accompanied each affirmation were colourful and beautifully created. It is truly a gem. And it was fun viewing as I pick out the ones I felt would work for me in my life right NOW.

Watch it. And decide which area(s) in your life need divine intervention. I sometimes call it a booster shot. If you want more money in your life, be specific and pick out the one that refers to money or change the words to financial abundance. You need to make your desires crystal clear to the Universe in order to begin receiving.

It is important that you say your affirmations with feelings and with joy in your heart. And in your mind's eye imagine or visualize the desired outcome. I do this several times throughout the day after contemplation or meditation. And I always feel positive right after that and througout the day. Try it and believe it!

This Youtube video was created by Kidest. To view Kidest other videos go to:
URL: http://www.youtube.com/inherview
Kidest website: http://www.infinite-life.com/

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Stuart Inspired Me

In my recent involvement in co-creating a Youtube video, I was inspired by Stuart Wilde’s powerful prayer. It made me decide to create my own affirmations. And I'd like to share them here with you.

In truth, I seek honesty from myself and from others
In contemplation, I find my inner wisdom
In observation, I no longer judge
In gratitude, I honour all creations
In co-creation, I live the life I choose
In healing, I learn to balance myself
In experiencing life, I see it as full of possibilities
In joy, I celebrate the blessings already in my life
In learning life lessons, I recognize my teachers and give thanks to them
In trusting myself, I take back my power

Perhaps I’ve inspired you to create your own affirmations that work for you. If so, then I would love to hear from you.

Divine Solution

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Courage is an inter-dimensional substance that can be created within you.

This elixir called courage is truly inter-dimensional. These are not just pretty words. When you choose to ramp up your courage, and you back this up with visualization and feeling, you're actually reaching across the dimensions and pulling courage into your body.

Courage is majestic stuff. Consider the actions of Jesus sacrificing himself on the cross, Joan of Arc facing down the armies of England, or JK Rowland's struggle as a single mother to bring Harry Potter to the world. It is courage these people drew upon to slay their dragons and achieve their bold visions.

Feel the hero inside you. Imagine pursuing your own bold, world-changing visions. Heroically, selflessly, sacrificing yourself even for your own noble truth. Such fine music plays within you in these moments. Fear might play along too but it flows into a larger symphony of courage, and love, and all the best qualities that you are.

This courage belongs also in your everyday life. The difficult boss, the overbearing spouse, a life threatening illness, and more, can all be met with courage. This is you stepping into your strength. And courage is the sword you wield. Or the fuel that fires you across the galaxy.

Four Steps to Courage

Step 1. Feel the courage in you right now. Rate this courage between 1 and 10.
The goal is to get down into your feelings, down in your belly. Once you're aware of the current feelings, you have a starting point for deciding how you'd prefer to be feeling.

Step 2. Choose how much courage you'd like to be feeling now.
Through the roof, you say. Bucket loads! Is there a danger in asking for too much courage? Well, courage without the balancing force of reason could be a hazard. So be reasonable. But go for it. Ask for a full load of courage.

Step 3. Close your eyes and imagine having this level of courage. How would it feel? What could you do? Vividly imagine doing this right now.
Stay with the feeling for some time. Focus on the courage growing within you. Magic stuff!!!

Consider what you could do with this high level of courage. Let your imagination take over here and trust the images you receive. Ride this wave of inspiration.

Step 4. Open your eyes and begin making this alternate reality a reality in the world.
Once you've completed this internal magic, you should feel energised and excited. The next step is to make it real. Use your newfound courage to make the vision a reality. This is a sacred step. It's you sharing your inner resources with the outer world and inspiring others to do the same.

The Warrior's Prayer - Making of the Video

This Youtube video is a collaboration between two people who became friends on the WWW. Maya is very talented and she makes awesome videos that carry inspirational messages of peace, hope, love and freedom. We both decided that she creates a video using one my of favourite prayers by Stuart Wilde and my very first and currently only water colour painting. And this magnificent music was chosen by my Angels as I was divinely guided to the CD.

I dedicate this video to YOU. Enjoy the video and take in the energy that emanates from it.

I hope you enjoyed the video.

Maya is just one of many Youtubers who, in service, give of what they have become. These men and women who created these videos in YT (Youtube) are passionate and dedicated about their creation. And they excel in their craft. Take for instance this particular video. It was less than 3 days ago that I received Maya's email when she suggested creating a video of the Warrior's Prayer I sent her the day before. Within the same day we decided on the music and the images to be used. I was still abit skeptical about using my pegasus painting for this video and I told her so. But Maya was convinced that it was more perfect than I think.

And both of us were so excited as she had described to me what she had in mind. She worked flat out and didn't finish until 2.00am when she was finally satisfied with the end-result. And the very next day she loaded the video on to YT.

Maya I feel is a great example of someone who in having faith in the beauty within her, she develop trust. I so admire the talent, the passion and the dedication that's behind every video creation that's put out there. And so I encourage you to do what you love, and love what you do. And you'll be amaze with the results that you get and what others get out of them too.

Please refer to an earlier article I posted on this prayer. There you will find the complete text for this prayer and my thoughts about it.
* Just click on Prayer under Labels.

Love watching yourself create. :D

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Silent Prayer

This is a very beautiful and empowering prayer. It's been given by Tobias, as channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle: www.crimsoncircle.com.

My friend Maya whom I met in YouTube has put together a most wonderful video which is her interpretation of this empowering prayer. She too was inspired by it. Watch it as I am most certain it will speak to your heart as it did mine.

PS/ it is sure to tingle your senses. You will also find the words to the prayer right below the video. I now say this prayer every morning upon waking up.

The Silent Prayer by Tobias

In my heart, I accept my perfect Being.
I accept that the joy that I have intended
is already in my life.
I accept that the love I have prayed for
is already within me.
I accept that the peace I have asked for
is already my reality.
I accept that the abundance I have sought
already fills my life.

In my truth, I accept my perfect Being.
I take responsibility for my own creations
And all things that are within my life.
I acknowledge the power of Spirit that is within me,
And know that all things are as they should be.

In my wisdom, I accept my perfect Being.
My lessons have been carefully chosen by my Self,
And now I walk through them in full experience.
My path takes me on a sacred journey with divine purpose.
My experiences become part of All That Is.

In my knowingness, I accept my perfect Being.
In this moment, I sit in my golden chair
And know that I Am an angel of light.
I look upon the golden tray - the gift of Spirit -
And know that all of my desires already have been fulfilled.

In love for my Self, I accept my perfect Being.
I cast no judgment or burdens upon my Self.
I accept that everything in my past was given in love.
I accept that everything in this moment comes from love.
I accept that everything in my future will result in greater love.

In my Being, I accept my perfection.
And so it is.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

This is My Wish

I simply love this song by Rascal Flatts. I hope you like it.

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to be.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Warrior's Prayer

The Warrior’s Prayer by Stuart Wilde

I am what I am.
In having faith in the beauty within me, I develop trust.
In softness I have strength.
In silence I walk with the gods.
In peace I understand myself and the world.
In conflict I walk away.
In detachment I am free.
In respecting all living things, I respect myself.
In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things.
In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others.
In freedom I have power.
In my individuality, I express the God-Force within me.
In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am:
Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite.
And so be it.

This powerful prayer is taken from Stuart Wilde’s book entitled Affirmations: How to expand your personal power and take back control of your life.

I have used many prayers from renown spiritual teachers and self-help gurus from the Western world. And this one absolutely resonates with me. The reason I say it’s powerful is because the prayer is actually an affirmation to one’s self. You see we are a piece of God and we have the POWER within us. So God is not out there, in the sky or in Heaven. God is within each of us. We are made in the image of God. So when we pray, we are actually praying to our expanded selves, our Spirit/Higher Self who hold all the answers to our every need. And prayers should always be said from a point of power and not weakness or lack. There is no ‘poor me’ statements in this prayer. It’s a prayer that’s full of reminders of who we truly are. And knowing who we truly are, we proclaim to the Universe this is who we are and we seek to become more conscious of it.

And what I like about this prayer is it covers every aspect of our life. It reminds me of our Oneness with all creations on Earth. Remember that we all come from the same Source. Yes, even the dirt, the grass, the trees, the animals, the insects and all other life forms – ALL come from the same Source.

And so I share with you this most powerful prayer. I say this prayer every morning when I get out of bed and every night before I sleep. And I said it with feeling and from my heart. May you come to realise the spiritual be-ing that you are.

Monday, January 19, 2009

One Prayer

This is a song to heal hurting hearts. It's called One Prayer.

Singer songwriter Karl Anthony wrote the One Prayer to offer an alternative to revenge. The sweet child in this video is Jeanne & Karl’s God child, Shivani.

I was moved when I heard it the first time and was able to locate the lyrics to the song which I've placed it directly below the video. May we offer a prayer to people who hate and may the hatred transmute to tolerance, then understanding and then acceptance.

I always believe that we hate what we fear what we don't understand.
So I offer a prayer - May all be loved, may all be blessed, may all feel peace.

One Prayer

Lyrics to One Prayer by Karl Anthony

If I had one prayer, I'd pray for people who hate
Maybe I'm out of my mind ...or deep in my faith
A man grows old ...when his soul's in pain
Only love can loosen that chain

But if I offer you grace, will it cause any change
And do I appear weak, if I calm my rage
I think of revenge, but will I become
The thing I despise, when a heart goes numb

I'll say a prayer, hoping it finds ...people who hate
I send it now, to heal the hearts ...of people who hate

If only one song ...could silence hate
And end all the war ...before its too late
If a cold mind ...could begin to feel
Then the fear in our world ...has a chance to heal

I'll say a prayer, knowing it finds ...people who hate
I send it now, to heal the hearts ...of people who hate
......pray for people who hate

All of our thoughts ...can set the stage
For the power of love ...is larger than rage
When we take revenge ...we will become
The hate we despise ...as our soul goes numb

I have One Prayer ...for the world to hear
It's a cry for mercy ...the last of our tears
Let hate dissolve ... let the past reveal
That love has shown us what is real

Prayer: Angels above, quiet the pain ...in people who hate

I'm sending One Prayer, to heal the hearts ...in people who hate
One prayer.....Pray!

Prayer: May all be loved, may all be blessed, may all feel peace....pray for people who hate

I’m sending Love, to people who hate
I must be out of my mind ...or deep in my faith

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

This is one of my all time favourite songs. In fact two of my favourite songs combined into one - What a Wonderful World (Louise Armstrong) and Somewhere Over the Rainbow. It's originally sung by Israel Kamakawiwo Ole. I found Jason Castro's version on YouTube and I'm sharing this with you here.

I can't help smiling and swaying my body whenever I sing this beautiful song. It's a song of gratitude for the wonderful gifts from Mother Nature. It's also about friendship and babies. It's also about daring to dream. This song never fails to uplift me. And it is also a reminder for us to savour each moment when we are in nature - walk in awe as you pass by magnificent trees with their canopy of leaves, look up into the blue sky with puffy white clouds that float by, look for the sun that plays hide and seek, feel the grass under your bare feet, take in the beauty of the flowers that bloom so bravely. Nature is not timid. Nature is vibrant, alive and abundant. That's the kind of life I am creating for myself.

I invite you to watch this music video from YouTube and you'll see and hear what I mean.

ENJOY and have a PERFECT DAY! Love, Oribel

Friday, January 16, 2009

I Hope You Dance

This is one song I enjoy listening to because of it's motivational message.
The original singer is Lee Ann Womack. I got this video off YouTube. The great part is that you can sing along with the video with the lyrics provided.

I dedicate this song to you. I REALLY hope you DANCE! Love, Oribel

Click on the play button and SING and DANCE:

10 Principles to Wonderful Health

I was privileged to attend a workshop on self-healing with Inna Segal about a year ago. Inna has written a couple of books relating to healing, namely The Secret Language of Your Body. She is an advocate for self-healing and talking and listening to your body.

Can you talk to your body? Absolutely. And listen to it? Absolutely. How? Well, you basically verbalize to your cells, “Dear body, I felt a sharp pain right here. Tell me what it is I need to know?” And you lightly touch the area where the pain is. Then you wait and you listen. And your body talks to you through your intuition. It’s that inner voice or inner wisdom as some people call it.

Our body has the intelligence to reverse illnesses and heal itself. Inna calls it the Divine Healing Intelligence.

And I quote below Inna’s ten principles to wonderful health which is taken from her book The Secret Language of Your Body.

In order to heal, it is necessary to commit to making your health a priority. This means believing you are a valuable being, who deserves brilliant health and wellbeing. Making your health a priority also gives you an opportunity to examine your thinking. Are you open minded and willing to explore the root causes of your dis-ease or discomfort, and work on releasing the negativity which may have contributed to your condition? Or is your definition of healing taking a pill and perhaps shutting your body down? True healing means listening to the messages your body is trying to give you, then making changes which create ease rather than dis-ease, and flow rather than stuckness in your body and your life.

Feel your emotions rather than keeping them buried. Many people spend much of their time thinking rather than feeling, because they find the experience of feeling uncomfortable. When unwelcome feelings come up they try to shut them down by being distracted, watching TV, eating junk food, talking on the phone, reading a book, listening to music, smoking, taking drugs, etc. However, your feelings hold the key to your wellbeing. They tell you what is honouring you and what is not, if your life is flowing the way it's meant to or if you are moving in the wrong direction. Your feelings give you the opportunity to expand, purify pain, create your ideal weight, change and break down the armour which prevents you experiencing health, peace and joy.

Breathe consciously. Many people breathe shallowly, thus keeping the body tight, stagnant and working harder. When you breathe slowly, deeply and consciously you can feel your body, tune into your intuition, calm your mind, relax, and help purify the blood. You also experience an increase in energy and wellbeing as the breath circulates energy around your body.

Eat healthily and consciously. Most people know what constitutes a healthy diet. Yet in our stressed and busy lives, it is easy to go for fast food, which usually contains lots of fat, sugar, caffeine and unhealthy chemicals. Often people eat quickly, on the go, without being consciously aware of what they are eating, or truly tasting and enjoying their food. This leads them to eat more than what their body requires. Being healthy means eating healthy food which nourishes your body, giving you energy, vitality and wellbeing. Taking time to create healthy food, that you eat slowly and chew consciously gives your body the opportunity to heal and regenerate quickly and easily.

Move your body. Many people complain about feeling stagnant, depressed, uninspired and overweight. However, each person has the ability to create an exercise program which can help them lose or maintain the weight they desire and become strong, healthy, lean and fit. Regular exercise can help you feel better about yourself, enjoy your body, have more energy, detoxify and heal. Plan an exercise program you will enjoy, such as walking, swimming, going to the gym, dancing, participating in yoga, martial arts, Tai Chi etc.

Listen to your body. Recognize when you need to rest, play, have fun and work. What are your cycles? When are you at your best? What can you do to make your life more productive? When people don't listen to their bodies is when stress, tension, fear, overwhelm, anxiety and dis-ease set in. Take a few minutes' break every couple of hours. Stretching, deep breathing or even a short meditation can make the difference between feeling tired, stagnant and stressed or healthy, creative and relaxed.

Principle 7 - BE CREATIVE
Creativity allows you to relax, have fun and explore. It gives you opportunities to learn, expand and discover your talents. When people are creative they are often more inspired, imaginative and resourceful. Fun and creativity prolongs your life, so find something that you can participate in and create.

Principle 8 - ADD MORE COLOURS
Add more colour to your life. Colours can make people feel heavy, depressed and fatigued or light, vibrant and joyful. Become aware of what colours make you feel great and what qualities those colours have. Then add these colours to your life. For example, this could mean painting your walls green because green makes you feel relaxed and tranquil. Or wear a bright orange dress or a shirt, or bring more flowers into your home. Whatever it is, make it colourful.

Make gratitude your attitude. Focus on all the great things you have in your life, instead of thinking about what you don't have and complaining about your lack and limitation. Remember, what you are grateful for grows, what you don't appreciate is taken away from you.

Make laughter a priority. For a long time people believed that they needed a reason to laugh. However, the benefits of laughter are so great that laughing for no reason has become a motto of countless people all over the world who participate in laughter clubs. There is even a laughter yoga, which teaches specific laughter exercises. Even if you don't do laughter yoga, looking at life from a humorous angle allows you to let go of stress quicker and to heal faster.

And Inna further advised that if you take 15 minutes a day to listen to your body and meditate you can make the difference between sickness and health. Just imagine – if you improve your health and well-being at the rate of 2% a day, by the year end you’d see more than 100% improvement.

Well, I took the challenge last year. I was close to weighing 60 kg in September and I wasn’t happy with the image of myself in the mirror and I felt sluggish. So I had a talk with my body and asked what can I do to improve my overall well-being. I wasn’t prepared for the answer that came back. I needed to eat healthy wholesome food, exercise regularly, think more positively and have more fun….I’ve been taking life too seriously lately.

Hmmmm. Okay, Doctor Divine. Ill take on this new project. And I called it Project Oribel. I signed up for a 12-week program of hatha yoga and body sculpture at the neighbourhood sports club. Because of my new belief i.e. all life forms come from the same Source, I decided that I was ready to go vegetarian. And I was both mentally and emotionally prepared for this change. And I built myself up from being a pescetarian first (a vegetarian who consumes fish as well). After 3 weeks I switched to being 100% vegetarian.

And I’m happy to let you know that Project Oribel was/is a resounding success. I’ve lost at least 5kgs. The 12-week exercise program has just ended. And I need to continue with my exercise regime that has worked so well for me. And now I’m happier and lighter being a vegetarian. I took the opportunity to discover vegetarian and vegan restaurants around town. And I now write food reviews and take photographs of my meals to upload on to happycow.com. I go cycling once a week and watch a funny video every now and then. And I sing and dance to Bryan Adam’s Summer of ’69. I’m also learning to cook vegetarian for myself. I call this intuitive cooking i.e. whatever vegetable I can find in the fridge appears in the recipe. You see, I made the transition into an exciting and joyful experience. This made a difference. I followed my divine doctor’s orders. And it worked.

Don't take my word for it. Take up the challenge and witness it for yourself. Remember that at the end of the exercise YOU are the benefactor. How cool is that?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Affirmation - Focus and Clarity

I have been struggling with creating just the perfect profile for myself as an Angelic Reiki practitioner. Just before Christmas last year I signed up with whattherapy.com to place an ad on its website. I was anxious to get started. And on Boxing Day, I spent half an hour on writing my profile and a brief synopsis of Angelic Reiki. And I was not entirely satisfied with it. I checked other sites on Angelic Reiki and I checked the profiles of other practitioners. I still could not decide on the final text. So I gave up and promised myself I’ll try again before the New Year.

This happened twice more. I was frustrated that I took longer than expected to finalize my profile for the website. At times like this I realize that I needed clarity. Without clarity, there is confusion. I basically had too much information and didn’t know what was considered important and key information to include in my profile.

Then I decided on divine intervention. I ask my angels to show me an affirmation that I could use to help me with this block. I picked a book from my shelf and turn to a page. And here’s what I found:
“I am able to clearly focus and concentrate at will,
for my mind is sharp and alert.
I am a brilliant thinker eternally linked to
the most powerful computer network of all: God’s mind.”
This is it. The very next morning, I said this affirmation. That afternoon I decided to continue with my ‘healer profile’ project and within twenty minutes it was finalized. I clicked on the ‘submit’ button and cried “Hooray!” The affirmation worked!

Thank you to my angels. :o)

Procrastination, or is it?

I decided to begin my spiritual work as a healer. And I was drawn to Reiki. This was back in May 2008. At that time I was looking around for a good teacher and I was highly recommended to a Master Parag. I’ve visited his website and liked what I saw and I liked what one of his previous students had to say about Master Parag and his passion for Reiki.

But the thing was, each month Master Parag sent a mass mail advising his subscribers of the next Reiki course, I kept putting off signing up for his workshop. This happened for six consecutive months. I thought to myself, why do I keep procrastinating? I needed to signed up for a class sooner rather than later otherwise I will just keep delaying my spiritual work, which is my calling.

Then in early October 2008, I received the quarterly newsletter from Basic Essence. I flipped through the pages and ‘lo and behold, they are conducting Angelic Reiki workshops in November. YES, this is it! This is what I’ve been waiting for. You see, I’m passionate about angels and I talk to my angels all the time. And I have found that Angelic Reiki is the missing piece of the jigsaw to my life connecting my intended work with people who have trouble awakening to their true essence that is their own divinity.

I realized that I wasn’t procrastinating. I was merely being guided by Spirit to wait for the appropriate healing modality that's for my highest good and that is Angelic Reiki. Before then, I didn’t know there was such a modality. So you see, I had mistaken divine timing for procrastination. Things are never what they appear to be.

Ever since that episode I looked at delays as two possibilities: (1) it’s not meant to be; (2) something better is on its way. And then I remembered that sometime back I made an intention that I’m always guided, guarded and protected by my angels. And I trust that I was guided to wait for the Angelic Reiki workshop. And I am so glad I did.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Interview with God

This is a short movie clip created around a poem, author unknown. And I guarantee that you will love it. Just click on the play button.

This video was taken from GodTube website. The original video is from The Interview with God website, but unfortunately the embed code does not seem to work well on my blog.

Please view the video before you continue reading this article.

Every once in a while great poems like the one above will stop you in your tracks and make you ponder on the simple truths in life. But it is us who make our lives difficult and sometimes creating dramas for ourselves and others.

When I first viewed the movie presentation version I was stricken by its honesty and simplicity. When I viewed it a second time, I began to look at every aspect of my life. Yes, I had only learned most of these life’s lessons at the latter part of my life…a couple of years shy of 50.

I was unhappy working as a project manager in the last couple of years. I no longer found it fulfilling and felt that I was missing out on life itself whilst I worked long hours to meet the company’s bottom line in the hope of being promoted to Vice President. So I quit. And that was when I started to focus on the most important person in my life, Myself. And I discovered a most precious gem which I had forgotten to polish and care for because I was living what I thought was a perfect life.

With an abundance of time on my hands, I began exploring the activities that bring joy to my life - spending time with nature, cycling, having picnics, watching clouds, playing on a swing, feeding turtles and swans at a public park, watching sunsets at the beach and visited parks and nature reserves in far flung places. All of which I would not be doing if I hadn’t quit my corporate job.

I no longer have to worry about meeting project datelines, preparing minutes after client calls, updating reports after reports. Phew, what a relief to do away with worries and anxieties that really have no impact on my private and personal life…which is far more important than my working life. I had time on my hands for self-care. I gave myself permission to live moment to moment. And I am a far more happier person now.

And I’ve also come to realize that I don’t need to shop for clothes or stuff anymore. I only go shopping for essentials these days.

And I’m learning to express myself more these days without fearing how others might react. Creating a blog and posting articles and sharing my experiences with like-minded people have helped me to experience this. And I hope that what I am sharing would help inspire others to appreciate their own uniqueness and begin to open up to sharing their experiences with others as well
One thing I'm beginning to do is to give others the space to experience the reality they have created for themselves. This has helped me alot to stop judging others. You see, there is no 'right' or 'wrong', just experiences. As I allow others to be who they are, they allow me to be who I am. That is true compassion.

I’ve also come to realize that in the past I was 'guilty' of opening profound wounds in others with my careless words. And I’m learning to forgive myself and I know that it is never too late to make the necessary adjustments in my life to stay on track and to be living a more authentic life. Yes, it is indeed time to make a life review at the start of the year.

And when you too begin exploring this, please remember to be gentle with yourself, always and in all ways. Because we are human too. :o)