A warm hello from Oribel

Hello Friends,

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you are looking for inspiration and empowerment you’ve come to the right place.

Apart from articles I've written based on my own personal experiences I have included suggested affirmations, intentions, prayers, visualizations, meditations, ideologies and a whole lot more. I have personally benefited from them - I gained more self-confidence, learned about self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect, overcoming fears created by years of conditionings, tackled self-doubt, self-worth and self-esteem issues. And I’m learning to trust myself more and more each day.

I invite you to open heart and empty your mind and pick any subject that you are drawn to. Take only the information that resonates with you and leave the rest behind as they are here for others. You see, each of us have different lessons to learn in this life. Much of which is to overcome different types of fears - fear of being lonely, fear of rejection, fear of failure, well you're getting the picture. And, hence, we need different tools in our lives as we seek to discover ourselves and to turn our challenges into life lessons. With self-knowledge comes true power.

And always know that you have much to give the world by just being you....the authentic you that is. And also remember that when you reach a higher truth be prepared to let go of older ones that no longer serve you. That's how we evolve and expand.

Happy journeys,

Monday, June 22, 2009

Prayer for Love

Prayer for Love

Today, Lord, help me to accept myself the way I am, without judgement. Help me to accept my mind the way that it is, with all my emotions, my hopes and dreams, and my unique pesonality. Help me to accept my body the way that it is, with all it's beauty and perfection.

Today, Lord, clean my mind of emotional poison and self-judgement, so that I can live in peace and love. Let the love for myself be so strong that I never reject myself or sabotage my happiness and personal freedom. Let me love and accept myself without judgement, because when I judge myself, I find myself guilty, and then need to punish myself.

With the power of self-love, let all my relationships be based on love and respect. Help me to let go of the need to tell others how to think or how to be. Let me accept the people I love just the way they are, without judgement, because when I judge them and blame them, I find them guilty, and want to punish them. Help me Lord, to love everything you create with no conditions, because when I reject your creation, I reject you.

Today Lord, help me to start my life over with the power of self-love. Help me to explore life, to take risks, and to love myself unconditionally. Let me open my heart to the love that is my birthright so that I can share my love wherever I go.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Future Dream

My State of Being

A Whale's Odyssey

This is a multi-dimensional journey with two whales. Take the journey with them as you explore their world of colours and sounds. And also discover why whales are considered sacred and the part they play in our evolution on planet Earth.

Now that you understand why whales are beaching, please help explain to your friends and family about this so they don't unnecessary worry about such episodes again.

Thank you for doing this and thank you for watching.

Have a fabulouse journey!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Prayer for Awareness

This is a very beautiful prayer from an audiobook from Don Miguel Ruiz.
As you listen to it, you'll understand what I mean.

Know that you are very much loved. Blessed be.

Words to Prayer for Awareness by Don Miguel Ruize

Today, Creator of the Universe, we ask that you open our
heart and open our eyes so we can enjoy all of your
creations and live in eternal love with you. Help us to
see you in everything we perceive with our eyes, with our
ears, with our heart, with all our senses.

Let us perceive with eyes of love so that we find you
wherever we go and see you in everything you create.
Let us see you in every cell of our body, in every emotion
of our mind, in every dream, in every flower, in every
person we meet. You cannot hide from us because you
are everywhere, and we are one with you. Let us be
aware of this truth.

Let us be aware of our power to create a dream of heaven
where everything is possible. Help us to use our
imagination to guide the dream of our life, the magic
of our creation, so we can live without fear, without
anger, without jealousy, without envy. Give us a
light to follow, and let today be the day that our
search for love and happiness is over.
Today let something extraordinary happen that will
change our life forever: Let everything we do and
say be an expression of the beauty in our heart,
always based on love.

Help us to be the way you are, to love the way you love,
to share the way you share, to create a masterpiece of
beauty and love, the same way that all of your
creations are masterpieces of beauty and love. Beginning
today and gradually over time, help us to increase the
power of our love so that we may create a masterpiece
of art - our own life. Today, Creator, we give you all
of our gratitude and love because you have given us Life.


The Man Who Didn't Believe In Love

This is a parable, "The Man Who Didnt Believe in Love", taken from a book written by Don Miguel Ruiz. It is a story of a man and a woman who are well suited for each other, until one day, when the man decides to give his happiness to the woman. . . . .

I like the story because it describes the way I feel about relationships on so many levels. Perhaps you too can identify with this story. I believe we learn about ourselves the most from our closes relationships. Self-discovery is the hidden gift in relationships.

I invite you to listen to this parable and then reflect upon your relationships with your closest ones.

So please sit back, relax and enjoy!


Passion comes from surrendering totally into something.

Passion is the stuff that brings you to your knees and sends you over ice walls - over impossible obstacles. Nothing truly great is ever done on earth without passion.

Hold your fist in the air and cry out at the top of your lungs. Feel the raw animal passion of being a human on the rock called Earth. To be this awesome one-of-a-kind creature sent down to shake the world with your bold plans, your words, your actions, your connections - all your gifts. With passion and a little help, you can do anything.

Four Steps to Passion

Step 1. Chose something to be passionate about (an object of your passion). Passion comes from falling into something and letting it take you to new heights. First choose something you’d like to be passionate about.

Step 2. Imagine merging fully with the sky or the earth.
The goal here is to move outside the self in preparation for the surrender to your object of passion.

Step 3. Now connect to a source of inspiration. It might be God, a divine being, or your favorite artist.
What is needed for this step is some belief or faith. If you feel inspired by the angels, then just ‘believe’ you are connected to us and proceed to draw in that inspiration. Same advice applies for connecting with Van Gogh, Renoir, Mozart, or whoever inspires you. Believe you are connected and it will be so. Like riding an invisible surfboard. Just climb on.

Step 4. Fall into your object of passion and let the inspiration take you. This step is once again an act of faith. You WILL yourself there at first. Then just let the inspiration take you wherever it wants to go.

The process could be called passion surfing. When the wave of passion ends, you can repeat the steps to catch another. The process will also get easier with repeated attempts. At first, it may feel a little cumbersome because we’re asking you to go in several directions. Put simply, what you’re doing is choosing to be inspired, connecting to a source of inspiration, then being inspired. The added step of merging with the sky or earth is to help you get outside yourself so the inspiration can take you.

It also helps to pick your moments. Make sure you have no pressing deadlines, turn off any distractions such as the phone, and get comfortable. Then get started with passion and make it a tool that propels you towards your dreams.

Healing Mandala Meditation

This is a modern mandala specially designed to help you slow down, release tension and nurture your body's innate healing powers. Mandalas bring about inner peace and strength, personal growth and holistic healing by harnessing the power of color, geometry and symbolic motifs.

Listen to the soothing music as you meditate using the mandala with the step-by-step instructions provided. You will find your healing journey being enhanced within this beautiful mandala.

Please enjoy!


The Mind of a Master

This video was created around an intention that I first read in Kryon Book 11 called Lifting The Veil. And I believe that it was this intention that had helped me to begin my journey. . . .a journey towards awakening to my power within and my own divinity.

In the chapter called Becoming Masters Kryon gave us the perception of past Masters. And one of the attributes all past Masters had was their ability to be a master survivor. These are ascended masters Jesus of Nazareth, Buddha, Propher Mohammed etc.

Please sit back, relax and enjoy this video.


*If you find discomfort in reading the explanation notes in the video above, I provide the text extraction below so you could read in comfort.

I invite you to get rid of survival instinct. We come in with this built into our every cell, imprinted upon us. Indeed, it is, but it’s an old energy imprint. Survival instinct holds disempowering thoughts of lack and fear – I am alone; everything that I do, I must do myself; I will compete for the space on this planet; I need to chase the competition, otherwise I’ll be left behind; I’ll compete for relationships, for food, for love, for money; I’ve got to do it or I won’t survive. Sounds familiar?

Well, in this new energy, to be a master, look to the Masters of the past, any of them. The voice of a master is what you have just viewed. This is also yours.

You begin to realize that you can trust inter-dimensional forces that are mastery forces that you don’t understand, but know are always there. You begin to realize that in the mastery department, you’ve got deep pockets when it comes to love and survival. So drop the survival instinct that says you have to compete for everything. You don’t. There’s plenty. Let this be your intention.

Please remember you have free choice. When you are ready to be a Master Lighthouse, say this intention and get ready for a ride of your life!

And know you are very much loved.

Video production by Oribel

Intention text given by Kryon, channelled by Lee Carol in 2006.

Video on visual experience is an edited version of “Evolution” from Light and Sound Experience by Jonathan Quintin (Visuals)

Music “Locus Iste (Sanctus)” by Liberia