A warm hello from Oribel

Hello Friends,

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you are looking for inspiration and empowerment you’ve come to the right place.

Apart from articles I've written based on my own personal experiences I have included suggested affirmations, intentions, prayers, visualizations, meditations, ideologies and a whole lot more. I have personally benefited from them - I gained more self-confidence, learned about self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect, overcoming fears created by years of conditionings, tackled self-doubt, self-worth and self-esteem issues. And I’m learning to trust myself more and more each day.

I invite you to open heart and empty your mind and pick any subject that you are drawn to. Take only the information that resonates with you and leave the rest behind as they are here for others. You see, each of us have different lessons to learn in this life. Much of which is to overcome different types of fears - fear of being lonely, fear of rejection, fear of failure, well you're getting the picture. And, hence, we need different tools in our lives as we seek to discover ourselves and to turn our challenges into life lessons. With self-knowledge comes true power.

And always know that you have much to give the world by just being you....the authentic you that is. And also remember that when you reach a higher truth be prepared to let go of older ones that no longer serve you. That's how we evolve and expand.

Happy journeys,

Friday, August 12, 2011

Divine Forgiveness

The Divine Forgiveness Statement

Your State of Being
This is a gentle and peace-loving process.
Be in this state and call to mind the situation.
Say the statement.
You can say this to others as well, if they bring up the situation.
As a start, say the statement 3 times, once or twice a day.
If you wish, say it as often as you like.
And let go and let the situation evolve.
Release -- Let Go -- Allow

You may want to place the Divine Forgiveness statement
on a wall next to your dresser or on your mirror as a reminder, for starters
so you'l remember to say it in the morning and at night.

Understanding How Divine Forgiveness Works
The process is simple.
When you see a difficult or hopeless
situation before you, whether you are involve
or not, recognize that it's only an illusion.
Every being on earth is here to experience and
we each play many roles to gain many different experiences.
This is how our souls learn, grow and expand.
There are no good or bad experiences, just different experiences.
As soon as you understand this you can easily let go of judgment.
When you change your awareness and acknowledge the illusion before you
and you forgive yourself and the person or persons that are involve in the situation
you shine a light on a path that's filled with potentials for others to work in.
You don't make anyone do anything, you are just creating an energy
that is so attractive that many are interested and helped by it.
With free choice others will see or discover hidden ideas or
the potentials for new solutions that often leads to
a benevolent outcome.
This is the magic of the system of potentials.

Divine forgiveness can be used for personal situations so you can
say this statement as an individual. However, for large scale situations
many individuals are needed to say this statement to amplify
the energy quotient.

Know this:
As we create what we need, it involves others,
but also know we can't control them!
Your light creates a path, which others can walk.....
a potential that often leads to a win-win situation with many
people as you create your own life.
Divine Forgiveness is benevolent.

Don't think of the solution. Thinking is of the mind. And the mind is limited.
Just allow for the dance of energy to create the magic of a system of potentials.

Final Words
Trust the process.
Keep the faith.
Have no expectations, expect the unexpected.
Understand it's non-linear.
It's quantum.
And don't put a timeline to it.

You can make a difference! Create your own reality NOW.

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