A warm hello from Oribel

Hello Friends,

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you are looking for inspiration and empowerment you’ve come to the right place.

Apart from articles I've written based on my own personal experiences I have included suggested affirmations, intentions, prayers, visualizations, meditations, ideologies and a whole lot more. I have personally benefited from them - I gained more self-confidence, learned about self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect, overcoming fears created by years of conditionings, tackled self-doubt, self-worth and self-esteem issues. And I’m learning to trust myself more and more each day.

I invite you to open heart and empty your mind and pick any subject that you are drawn to. Take only the information that resonates with you and leave the rest behind as they are here for others. You see, each of us have different lessons to learn in this life. Much of which is to overcome different types of fears - fear of being lonely, fear of rejection, fear of failure, well you're getting the picture. And, hence, we need different tools in our lives as we seek to discover ourselves and to turn our challenges into life lessons. With self-knowledge comes true power.

And always know that you have much to give the world by just being you....the authentic you that is. And also remember that when you reach a higher truth be prepared to let go of older ones that no longer serve you. That's how we evolve and expand.

Happy journeys,

Monday, March 23, 2009


Joy is your natural state. Learn to feel the joy at your core.

Once you develop a habit of feeling the joy, all other pursuits in your life will be easier. Turn your life upside down. Find the happiness right now, inside you, then merrily pursue the rest at your leisure. This is the secret of a master.

Four Steps to Joy

Step 1. At the core of you is a flame - the flame of joy. When you imagine your joy as a flame, you are reaching into other dimensions to reconnect with this ever-present joy and consequently feel more of it in this realm.

Step 2. Close your eyes and imagine bypassing all other thoughts and feelings to get to this flame.
You might pause briefly at other feelings along the way to the central flame of joy.

Step 3. Imagine how the flame looks. Feel the joy that emanates from it.
Where in your body do you see the flame? Maybe your belly. Try experimenting with the flame. Imagine it growing large, engulfing you entirely. Imagine the flame changing colors. See the intricate workings of the base around the flame.

Step 4. Continue to focus on the joy emanating from the flame. As you do so, you will find your level of joy increases.
No matter how the world is faring, you can find the joy within. Then continue on your journey with your tank overflowing with joy. What power you have over your experience in life.

What if I can't feel this flame of joy? If you're unable to feel the joy then you're not yet connecting with your joy aspect in the upper realms. Your imagination is a path to this connection. Engage your imagination by gazing at the colorful image on the joy card. Let it inspire you.

Also look at your beliefs around happiness. Many people have deeply rooted beliefs that they can only be truly happy once their needs are met and their problems disappear. Often these needs don't even serve them to begin with.

The truth is joy is available to you at any time. People on their deathbed experience joy. People in the midst of great trauma can feel joy. Newborn babies are aglow with joy. Let go of the belief that anything in the world is between you and your joy.

“I claim my joy. I choose to reach across the dimensions and connect to my eternal flame of joy. By doing so, joy flows freely into me.”

Now turn down the lights, fire up your imagination, and feel that flame. And.... keep going. Get out of your head and down into your belly. Feel the other feelings then move beyond them to get to the joy.

If you're a tough nut to crack, you might be saying 'I feel something but it's fuzzy'. Well honor that fuzziness and repeat the process once a day minimum for the next week. Create a joy card with the above affirmation and place the joy card in your pocket and pull it out whenever you get the chance.

En-joy Dear One. You are deeply loved for the role you play and your entourage of guides rejoice in being beside you each day

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